Encouraging and equipping moms in their roles as wives, mothers and daughters.
Southwest ladies - Gathering together, connecting and exploring God's Word.
Gathering of women to connect
Gathering women, to connect and grow deeper in their relationship with Christ and others.
Joining together to discover God's Word.
Women gathering to discover God's Word in community.
Are you looking for inspiration to go deeper in your relationship with Christ?
Gathering with women and connecting to God's word for a deeper understanding.
Women gathering to connect and go deeper in God's Word.
Join together to better understand the story of the Bible, we gain added insights, and the familiar events captured in scripture come alive in deeper and more meaningful ways as we study differet books of the Bible.
Gathering to learn to go deeper in understanding God's Word. (Women's Study)
Gathering with women to connect and grow deeper in your faith.
Study and connect with other women.