Able: Hope for the Future. Love for the City.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.

Ephesians 3:20-21

God is able — able to do more than all we can ask or imagine. He brings hope when circumstances seem overwhelming. He shines light into the darkness. He makes a way, even when we can’t see it.

As we come to trust in God’s character and ability — in His merciful compassion, limitless strength, and unfailing love — our kingdom horizons broaden and our faith expands. When each of us lives this way, imagine what we can accomplish together for God’s glory!


For 45 years, the Lord has poured out his favor on the people of Woodmen Valley Chapel. From a few dozen friends gathering in a Rockrimmon chinchilla hut in 1979, our gracious God has grown His church. 

Today, across five campuses, the people of Woodmen are living out the vision: Love well and change lives through Christ. In addition to the impact of ministry happening across our campuses each week, we’re meeting practical needs around the corner and around the world. People are finding redemption and new life in Christ!



We believe the Lord has even greater things in store. The next three years are pivotal for our church family and our kingdom impact. As we launch the ABLE initiative, we’re excited to come together to step into the bright future God has for us.

We’ll set the stage for increased ministry impact in two ways: 
  • We’ll open the doors to Woodmen Downtown, a church in the heart of the community where God has rooted us. 
  • We’ll eliminate all Woodmen debt, maximizing our financial stewardship and freeing us to focus fully on loving well and changing lives through Christ.

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Campaign update:

Goal: $10,000,000
$1,074,000 donated as of March 9, 2025. We’re grateful for God’s provision through the people of Woodmen.

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