Career Transitions


If you have questions or need assistance, reach out to Boon Campbell.
He will be available to help people one on one over the phone or in person.

Email Boon Campbell

Today's Job Market

It is a challenge to navigate today’s job market. The competitiveness and difficulty of finding the right opportunity added to the emotional struggles that often accompany the stress of unemployment can be overwhelming. We're here to help you identify the right job opportunities and to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to increase your ability to secure a job. We provide help with resumes, interviewing techniques and best use of the Internet, social media and those daunting Job Boards. Anyone on the hectic journey of career choices and transitions is welcome to reach out for help.

You do not have to be a Christian to participate, yet know we include scripture and prayer as important elements in helping through the transition process.

Career Development Software:

*Access codes are provided as a gift from the church. Please contact us for more information as to how you can receive this gift!*

Free Online Learning:

Microsoft Office Online

LinkedIn Guide:

How to Build Your Living Resume

Job Boards:

AIRS - Global Job Board Directory
Recommended "General" Job Boards: careerbuilder & Monster &
Recommended "Aggregate" Job Boards: indeed & SimplyHired &
Recommended "Niche Geographical" Job Boards: &

Career Development Blogs:

1.  The Daily Muse
This blog is an extensive job search tool and is great for job seekers and companies, alike, looking to become more modern and up-to-date. The blog includes a section for companies that are hiring, as well as a range of sections for job seekers, organized by type of post or tip.
This blog is best for: All job seekers, especially those looking for inspiration beyond resume and interview tips.

2.  The Undercover Recruiter
The Undercover Recruiter is a comprehensive blog focused solely on the job search and career development processes. Posts include career tips, insightful infographics, job search and interview tips, social media use and technology.
This blog is best for: All job seekers, especially those who enjoy a bit of humor sprinkled in with their career advice.

3. Penelope Trunk
Penelope Trunk’s blog is bolstered by her experience founding start-ups, as well as other professional endeavors. The blog is organized by concrete career-related topics, as well as relevant life-topics, like your job and romance.
This blog is best for: Job seekers looking to take career risks, found a start up, or just need a little realistic career advice.

4.  SparkHire Job Seeker
This is the blog of SparkHire, a company focused on online interviews and video resumes. The blog features a range of contributors, near daily posts and a highly organized layout with posts on the mobile job search trend, different career paths, job search tips, resume styles, non-profit work, and more.
This blog is best for: Job seekers seeking guidance solely in the job search field and looking for advice or services from professionals.

5.  Careerealism
Careerealism was created based on the belief that every job is temporary. This blog is specifically for the job search process. It also highlights tips for resume building, using LinkedIn, being laid off, and handling the workplace environment.
This blog is best for: Job seekers that agree that every job is temporary, and are committed to their own personal career development through learning to utilize the tools available in their job search process.

6.  Ms. Career Girl
Ms. Career Girl is a blog centered on the musings and advice of Nicole Crimaldi Emerick who started the blog when she graduated college. The blog features career tips, as well as life tips. Her career-centric section features posts on the job search, career confessions and a question/advice section. The accessibility of this blog is perfect for recent grads navigating the job search and life that comes along with it.
This blog is best for: Women and recent graduates trying to navigate the job search process.

7.  Life After College
This blog is for Generation Y the age group entering the workforce now.This blog has relevant postings for this group on topics such as crafting a work persona, the frustrations of not getting hired, and determining your marketable skills. This blog also features profiles on recent grads that have been successful in their searches and what they did to get there.
This blog is best for: Recent graduates looking to navigate the job search and life after college.

8.  CareerHub
CareerHub’s blog includes posts from experienced job search professionals and includes topics such as tips on different career issues, today’s job market, balanced life information, as well as guest posts to provide further insights.
This blog is best for: All job seekers, including older job seekers looking for a change in career or how to advance their job search.

9.  Guerrilla Job Hunting Blog
This is the blog of Guerrilla job Hunting, a company who promotes unconventional job search advice. The posts offer networking tips, profiles of real-life job seekers and their experiences, as well as tangible “action steps” for each post that sum up the blog post into definitive, doable measures. The blog also promotes their products, including their job search DVDs and books.
This blog is best for: Job seekers that appreciate concrete development plans and a hands-on approach to the job search process.

10.  ResumeBear
ResumeBear is a blog solely focused on jobs and career paths. It is updated consistently with new tips organized into the categories of resume and cover letter tips, interview tips, job trends and salary trends.
This blog is best for: Job seekers looking for advice on a specific area of their job search process.
