Vision & Mission

Our Vision


These six words capture the heart of who we aspire to be and remind us of why we exist as a church.
We love well because Christ calls us to live like He did (John 15:12-13).
We seek to see lives changed so that we may present everyone mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28-29).
None of this happens on our own strength, but through Christ and to His glory (Galatians 2:20).



So what does it look like for us to live out this vision — to see it come to life in our schools and workplaces, in our homes and our city? For us at Woodmen, this vision looks a lot like people — people giving themselves away for the sake of the gospel. We see God working through students and soldiers, professional men and women, artists and construction workers, kids and grandparents.

We realize God meets each of us where we are, so life-change won’t always look the same. But each day we can seek to be closer to Jesus than the day before. We believe each of us has a part to play in loving well and changing lives through Christ.


We have four mission values — commitments that we believe lay the groundwork for a Christ-like life. We invite everyone who calls Woodmen their church home to participate with us in living out these values. 

If you hang around Woodmen for long (which we hope you will!), you’ll hear four words pop up frequently in conversation:

Click on the icons to take a closer look.


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Explore the values of Woodmen with this teaching series by Lead Pastor Josh Lindstrom

See Teaching Series
