
Exodus 13-17

Be Ready, Exodus 19:9-25

November 21, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 19:9–25

At Mount Sinai, the Lord was to come down in the sight of all the people. It was a terrifying event when the Lord descended, and the Israelites needed to ensure they followed all of the Lord’s commands. The ancient Israelites who experienced that day could never have imagined that God would one day come down in the person of Jesus. While it may seem far off, we need always remember that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will one day return for his own.

Loving Wisely, Exodus 18:13-27

November 7, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 18:13–27

Moses was clearly the man God had chosen to lead his people, but that did not mean that Moses was required to do everything by himself. When his father-in-law, Jethro, saw all that Moses was attempting to do he encouraged him to enlist others to help him with the work. We too are not called to be lone rangers in the faith but to rely on and depend upon the body of Christ to accomplish the work to which he has called us.

The Priest of Midian, Exodus 18:1-12

October 31, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 18:1–12

God had done miraculous things through Moses for his people, and his father-in-law, Jethro, is quick to recognize it. When the challenges of this life tempt us to despair, we need to remember that God can use our example in the lives of others. We may think that our struggles are for no purpose, but they could be the very thing that draws another to faith.

The First Battle, Exodus 17:8-16

October 24, 2021 • Kurt Birky • Exodus 17:8–16

The Israelites faith had been stretched by the apparent lack of physical provision but now they faced a physical enemy in the attacking Amalekites. God, however, would through Moses bring victory for his people. This episode is a striking reminder of who fights for us and our need for others to encourage us in the spiritual battle in which we are engaged.

Massah and Meribah, Exodus 17:1-7

October 17, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 17:1–7

When the Israelites complain for a third time, even Moses grows frustrated and begins to fear for his life. Even when our circumstances may seem to indicate otherwise, we must always be confident in God’s abiding presence with us and not doubt his love and concern. God can provide for us in the most miraculous of ways; we need only keep our eyes upon him.

Bread from Heaven, Exodus 16:1-36

October 10, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 16

As the journey grew difficult the Israelites minds went back to Egypt. They complained to Moses and Aaron and doubted God’s concern for them. God, however, was about to show them his miraculous provision and stretch their faith to trust in his care. When we are tempted to doubt, we need to recall that he who did not spare his own Son will graciously give us all that we need.

Bitter Water, Exodus 15:22-27

October 3, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 15:22–27

Despite God’s miraculous provision for them thus far, when faced with an apparent water shortage, the Israelites again begin to doubt and complain to Moses. We too can suffer from a short memory and need to remind one another that God’s presence is enough for all the trials and difficulties that we may face and that our heavenly Father knows what we need before we ask him.

Moses’ Song, Exodus 15:1-21

September 26, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 15:1–21

After God’s miraculous deliverance, Moses is moved to singing in response. Our God is a God of victory, power, love and hope, and the songs we sing remind us of who he is and what he has done on our behalf. We sing not to fill time in a worship service, but to declare his goodness and remind one another of his finished work and our future hope.

Crossing the Red Sea, Exodus 14:1-31

September 19, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 14

While the Israelites are assured victory, their present circumstances would seem to indicate otherwise. When the Israelites begin to panic Moses calls them to “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today” (Ex. 14:13). How much more shall we, living on this side of the cross, believe that our God is able to make a way when we find ourselves up against seemingly insurmountable odds.

A New Beginning, Exodus 13:17-22

September 12, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 13:17–22

As the Israelites began their journey towards the Promised Land, God did not lead them through the land of the Philistines “Lest the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt” (Ex.13:17). This, however, would result in them being trapped between the Red Sea and an approaching Egyptian army. Like the Israelites, sometimes God’s plans are confusing to us and we need trust in his guidance and abiding presence with us.
