Bread from Heaven, Exodus 16:1-36

October 10, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 16

As the journey grew difficult the Israelites minds went back to Egypt. They complained to Moses and Aaron and doubted God’s concern for them. God, however, was about to show them his miraculous provision and stretch their faith to trust in his care. When we are tempted to doubt, we need to recall that he who did not spare his own Son will graciously give us all that we need.

Sermon Points:

I. Grumbling, Grace & Expectation. Exodus 16:1-12

a. It begins with grumbling. Exodus 16:1-3

b. God shows grace. Exodus 16:4-9

c. The expectation. Exodus 16:9-12

II. The Israelites struggle. Exodus 16:13-30

III. We need to remember. Exodus 16:31-36

Worship Songs:

© 2019 Bethel Music Publishing and Remaining portion is unaffiliated | CCLI Song # 7133348 -- CCLI License # 420630

The Lord Our God
© 2013 sixsteps Music, songs | CCLI Song # 6518055 -- CCLI License # 420630

Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
© 2018 CityAlight Music and Remaining portion is unaffiliated | CCLI Song # 7121852 -- CCLI License # 420630

House of Miracles
© 2020 Maverick City Publishing Worldwide (Admin. by Heritage Worship Publishing), Bethel Music Publishing, and Remaining portion is unaffiliated | CCLI Song # 7158414 -- CCLI License # 420630

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