Be Ready, Exodus 19:9-25

November 21, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Exodus 19:9–25

At Mount Sinai, the Lord was to come down in the sight of all the people. It was a terrifying event when the Lord descended, and the Israelites needed to ensure they followed all of the Lord’s commands. The ancient Israelites who experienced that day could never have imagined that God would one day come down in the person of Jesus. While it may seem far off, we need always remember that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will one day return for his own.

Sermon Points:

I. Be ready. Exodus 19:9-15

a. The people had to be prepared. Exodus 19:9b-11

b. The people had to be careful. Exodus 19:12-13

c. The people had to be focused. Exodus 19:14-15

II. Be warned. Exodus 19:16-20

III. Are you listening? Exodus 19:21-25

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