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Woodmen Heights Campus
WH Awana Support Team
WH Awana Sparks & T&T Tech Support 24/25
Audio/Visual Techs provide audio/video support for large group worship and teaching times and special events using audio files, videos, Powerpoint or similar presentations. Training is available, as needed. Arrive 30 minutes prior to club to set up for opening worship.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
WH Awana Greeter & Store Support 24/25
Awana Greeter & Store Support individuals are in charge of helping the Awana Greeter & Support Coordinator with all elements related to check-in and the Awana Supply Store. They greet families, assist with check-in, sell supplies from the Awana Supply Store and answer questions or direct them to someone who can. They must be familiar with electronic check-in system and the Awana Supply Store. Arrive 15 minutes prior to club and stay 15 minutes after to help man the store.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
WH Awana Sparks & T&T Games Leader 24/25
Sparks and T&T Games Leaders help the Games Coordinator set up and run age-appropriate Awana games for Sparks (K-2nd grade) and T&T (3rd-6th grade) during weekly club. All equipment is provided. Arrive 15 minutes prior to club to gather supplies and set up games for the night.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
WH Awana Sparks & T&T Games Coordinator 24/25
Sparks and T&T Games Coordinators are in charge of working with Games Leaders to coordinate and implement age-appropriate Awana games for Sparks (K-2nd grade) and T&T (3rd-6th grade) during weekly club. All equipment is provided. Arrive 30 minutes prior to club to gather supplies and set up games for the night.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
Sign Up to Serve
WH Awana Access Shadow 24/25
Access Shadows provide one on one support to children with special needs or additional needs as they participate in AWANA.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 2
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WH Awana Sparks & T&T Large Group Teacher 24/25
Sparks and T&T Large Group Teachers use creativity to make Bible lessons come alive for kindergarten through sixth graders (groups are divided by age). Prepare and present a 10 to 15 minute lesson, story, skit, or game to teach the topic of the week. Curriculum outline and other resources provided.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 9
WH Awana Puggles
WH Awana Puggles Classroom Lead 24/25
Puggles Classroom Leaders help run our class for birth-2 year olds whose parents are serving as Leaders in Awana.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
WH Awana Puggles Coordinator 24/25
Puggles Coordinator help run our class for birth-2 year olds whose parents are serving as Leaders in Awana by creating fun and engaging activities for the kids.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
WH Awana Cubbies
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WH Awana Cubbies Music Coordinator 24/25
Cubbies Music Leaders plan and lead age-appropriate worship time for Cubbies (3-5 yr olds) small groups. Arrive 15 minutes early to greet clubbers and set up.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 1
Sign Up to Serve
WH Awana Cubbies Classroom Leader 24/25
Cubbies Classroom Leaders shepherd a small group of preschoolers (3-5 yr olds) between activities (music, story time, games, and snacks) and listen to their memorized verses. No preparation required. Child-to-leader ratio is 5 to 1 maximum. Arrive 15 minutes before club to greet clubbers, and stay until all clubbers are signed out.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 3
WH Awana Cubbies Story Coordinator 24/25
Cubbies Storytellers prepare and present an age-appropriate story to reinforce Cubbies (3-5 yr olds) weekly lesson. Curriculum and resources provided. Arrive 15 minutes before club to greet children and set up materials.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
Sign Up to Serve
WH Awana Cubbies Games Coordinator 24/25
Cubbies Games Coordinators plan, set up, and run age-appropriate games for Cubbies (3-5 yr olds) on weekly club nights. Arrive 15 minutes early to greet clubbers and set up games.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 1
WH Awana Cubbies Snack Leader 24/25
Cubbies Snack Leaders serve and oversee Cubbies (3-5 yr olds) snack time. All snacks and supplies provided. Arrive 15 minutes before club to greet children and set up supplies.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
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WH Awana Cubbies Sub/Floater 24/25
Cubbies Sub/Floater fill in when regular Classroom Leaders or Specials Leaders (snack, games, music, storytelling) are unable to be at club. Arrive at least 15 minutes before club to greet clubbers, and stay until all clubbers are signed out.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 59
WH Awana Cubbies Director 24/25
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
WH Awana Sparks
WH Awana Sparks Director 24/25
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30AM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
WH Awana Sparks Secretary 24/25
Sparks Secretaries help with automated check-in of Sparkies, maintain clubber records and assist Sparks Director and Leaders with administrative items. Arrive 30 minutes prior to club to greet and check-in clubbers, and collect team clipboards after clubbers are checked out.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
Sign Up to Serve
WH Awana Sparks Sub/Floater 24/25
Sparks Sub/Floater fills in when regular Leaders are unable to be at club. Arrive 15 minutes prior to club to greet clubbers, and stay until all clubbers are picked up.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 3
Sign Up to Serve
WH Awana Sparks Classroom Leader 24/25
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 4
WH Awana T&T
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WH Awana T&T 3rd & 4th Grade Leader 24/25
T&T 3rd-4th Grade Leaders shepherd a small group of 3rd and 4th graders between activities (handbook, large group, games, and awards) and help them memorize, review and apply Bible verses. Minimum of two leaders per class. Arrive 15 minutes prior to club to greet clubbers and stay until all clubbers are picked up.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 8
WH Awana T&T Secretary 24/25
T&T Secretaries help with automated check-in of T&T clubbers, maintain clubber records, and assist T&T Director and Leaders with administrative items. Arrive 30 minutes before club to greet and check-in clubbers, and collect team clipboards after clubbers are checked out.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: -2
Sign Up to Serve
WH Awana T&T Sub/Floater 24/25
T&T Floater fills in when regular Leaders are unable to be at club. Arrive 15 minutes prior to club to greet clubbers, and stay until all clubbers are picked up.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 8
Sign Up to Serve
WH Awana T&T 5th & 6th Grade Leader 24/25
T&T 5th-6th Grade Leaders shepherd a small group of 5th and 6th graders between activities (handbook, large group, games, and awards), lead a discussion of the week's lesson, and help them memorize, review and apply Bible verses. Minimum of two leaders per class. Arrive 15 minutes prior to club to greet clubbers, and stay until all clubbers are signed out.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 5
WH Awana T&T Director 24/25
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
WH Awana Trek
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WH Awana Trek Leader 24/25
Trek Secretaries check-in Trek clubbers (7th-8th grade), maintain clubber records, and assist Trek Director and Leaders with administrative items. Arrive 15 minutes before club to greet and check-in clubbers and collect point cards after clubbers are dismissed.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 1
WH Awana Trek Director 24/25
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
WH Awana Journey
WH Awana Journey Secretary 24/25
Journey Secretaries check-in Journey clubbers (9th-12th grade), maintain clubber records, and assist Journey Director with administrative items. Arrive 15 minutes before club to greet and check-in clubbers and collect point cards after clubbers are dismissed.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
Sign Up to Serve
WH Awana Journey Leader 24/25
Journey Leaders help equip high school youth to live out their faith through building relationships, leading a discussion of the week's lesson and listening to their memorized verses. Arrive 15 minutes prior to club to greet clubbers and stay until clubbers are dismissed.
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to7:45PM
# of People Required: 1
WH Awana Journey Director 24/25
Date: Wednesday, Dec 25
Time: 5:30PM to 7:45PM
# of People Required: 0
Have Questions or Need Help?
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Samantha Brandsma
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