Jul 30 6:30 PM
Rockrimmon Campus Worship Center
Don’t miss our all-church Night of Prayer and Worship! Together, we’ll welcome the Holy Spirit with our praise, offer prayers to our Heavenly Father and glorify Christ through our words and melodies. Worship leaders from every Woodmen campus will be on hand to lead us, as we lift our voices to the Lord who hears us, cares for us and carries us.
Don’t miss our all-church Night of Worship and Prayer! Together, we’ll welcome the Holy Spirit with our praise, offer prayers to our Heavenly Father and glorify Christ through our words and melodies. Worship leaders from every Woodmen campus will be on hand to lead us, as we lift our voices to the Lord who hears us, cares for us and carries us.
Available with reservation
Casey Scheberl
Weekly programming for 5th and 6th grade students
Maybe you’ve been enjoying weekend services for a while and you’re ready to find out...
Monument Campus Woodmen Welcome