UNSHAKABLE with Judy Dunagan


Sep 30


Monument Campus
Monument, Student Room



Leader(s): Judy Dunagan


Do you often feel stuck battling the same fears, temptations, lies and doubts, wondering if you'll ever overcome them? Does it seem as if you're in that battle alone? Judy Dunagan, author of the The Loudest Roar, has been there. At this conference, Judy will give insight into the power, majesty and authority of our Lord Jesus and teach how to stand in the unshakable victory He's already won for you.

Session 1: Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus —

Are you a weary traveler, finding it hard to spend time with Jesus, even as you stay busy faithfully serving Him? Our speaker, Judy often wrestles with that as well. She will be sharing creative and fun ways to awaken new wonder for Jesus and His Word as you choose to fix your eyes on Him no matter what circumstances you are facing.

Session 2: Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ —

Are you feeling defeated and discouraged, perhaps even questioning the powerful protection of God in your life? In this session, Judy Dunagan will share practical and biblical insights on how to faithfully pick up our mighty weapons of God’s Word, His armor, and prayer as we seek to live in the victory that Jesus Christ has already won for us.


Event is from 9 AM until around noon. 
(NOTE: No childcare provided)

Registration closed on Friday, September 29, 2023
