
Connect Group Leader

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As a Greeter, you will be one of the first faces that guests and attendees see, as they walk into Woodmen. You will be a part of a team of individuals who are ready to open up the doors and say a friendly “Hello” to our Woodmen family as they enter.  If our guests need to be directed to a certain area, (bathroom, kids dropoff, etc.) you will be the person to help them get there.  You might be asked to give handouts to people, as they enter/leave, if needed.   

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Parking Lot Greeter

As a Parking Lot Greeter, yours will be one of the first faces that guests and attendees see as they drive into Woodmen, and as they walk into the building. You will be a part of a team of individuals who may be holding a welcome sign, waving and smiling as people enter the parking lot!   It might be the only wave/smile they have experienced all day!    You may also be asked to help direct traffic, during busy Christmas/Easter services, or as needed.   A friendly “hello” to our Woodmen family and new guests is appreciated.  

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1979 Café team

Do you like Coffee? Serving in the 1979 Café involves greeting guests before/after worship service. Involves assisting the barista by preparing coffee/ hot water carafes as well as refilling supplies and setting out snacks/doughnuts. 

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As an Usher, you have a variety of roles: You may seat people as the sanctuary fills up and help people who need extra assistance in finding a seat. You may also assist with passing the offering buckets during the service.  Most ushers will be trained in passing out the communion elements, once/month.   Some ushers, who have been trained, will help bag the offering and put bags in the safe, with supervision.   

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Woodmen Welcome Table Host

As a Woodmen Welcome Table Host, you will attend Woodmen Welcome and sit with our interested guests, to get to know them and help them feel at home, as they explore Woodmen’s structure and doctrine. You will also get to enjoy a meal with them!

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Connect Caller

As a Connect Caller, you will be reaching out to new guests that the Connect Coordinator assigns to you, as one of the final steps of the New Guest Process.

You will be sent an email with the person’s name, contact number and some notes from the Connect Coordinator.

You will reach out by phone to welcome them within a week or so – usually through a quick voicemail, followed by a text.

You are giving your “non-staff member validation” of how great it is to be a part of Woodmen.

Please note: you will be assigned to people in your similar age demographic/stage of life.

(Example: a 24 yr old caller will not be asked to call someone in their 70’s)

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Campus Safety/Security

As a church community, we value everyone who gathers at Woodmen. Did you know we have a Campus Safety team that helps to provide a secure setting for a variety of services and events? Campus Safety Ministry Partners come from all walks of life. Some have military or police backgrounds, but many don't. Woodmen provides training to equip and prepare team members to protect and serve. Interested in becoming part of this vital ministry team? Click below! 

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Do you enjoy doing the behind the scenes roles, like setup and teardown of chairs or landscaping / yard work? Or maybe you have some construction skills and would want to help with general maintenance at our campuses? Let us know if you have any interest in helping with facilities.

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