The Courier

Acts 15:36–16:40

Assured of Victory, Acts 16:25-40

August 25, 2019 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 16:25-40

When God miraculously frees them from prison, Paul and Silas do not take it as an opportunity for their escape, but instead use it as an opportunity to share the gospel. The jailer that had confined them, and all of his household, trust in Christ, and when the rulers realize they had beaten a Roman citizen, Paul insists on a public apology so that the name of Christ would not be discredited.

Willing to Endure, Acts 16:16-24

August 18, 2019 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 16:16-24

Following God’s leading does not ensure a smooth and trouble-free life. After setting a young slave girl free of demonic possession, her owners turn on Paul and Silas and drag them before the rulers who have them beaten by rods and thrown in prison. We must be careful not to judge God’s faithfulness by our circumstances, and be willing to endure any hardships that may come as a result of living a faithful life.

Eager to Listen, Acts 16:6-15

August 11, 2019 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 16:6-15

Though presented with many opportunities to share the gospel, Paul and Timothy listen to the leading of the Spirit and go to Troas where Paul is confronted with the vision of a man urging them to Macedonia; there they meet Lydia who will trust in Christ and become a supporter of the church. God often leads us in directions we do not immediately understand, but in hindsight can recognize his good and loving purposes.

Commitment to the Message, Acts 16:1-5

August 4, 2019 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 16:1-5

When the apostle Paul selects Timothy (born to a Jewish mother and Greek father) to accompany him on his journey, he has Timothy circumcised because of the Jewish populations in the places they were traveling. Paul’s wisdom and Timothy’s willingness reveals a commitment to the gospel message above all.

Confidence in Conflict, Acts 15:36-41

July 28, 2019 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 15:36-41

Not every challenge the church faces will come from the outside. At times, good men and women who love Jesus will disagree with one another and it is naïve to think otherwise. As followers of Christ, we must be faithful to what we feel God is leading us to and trust that, even in conflict, God is working all things out according to his plan.
