Songs of Joy

Advent/Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve | The Promise, Matthew 1:18–25

December 24, 2019 • Josh Lindstrom • Matthew 1:18–25

When Joseph, a good and just man, learned that his betrothed, Mary, was with child he was unwilling to put her to shame and resolved to divorce her quietly. As he was considering these things, an angel of the Lord appeared to him and told him to “not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:20). This son was to be named Jesus “for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). This son has come and this Christmas Eve we celebrate his offer of forgiveness to all and declare the one name under heaven by which men and women can be saved. While like Joseph this news can catch many off-guard, we pray that they will respond in obedient faith like him. THEME - GRACE

The Nunc Dimittis, Luke 2:29–32

December 22, 2019 • Josh Lindstrom • Luke 2:29–32

Out of obedience to the law, Mary and Joseph bring the infant Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem to offer a sacrifice. At the temple, they encounter a righteous and devout man, named Simeon, who was “waiting for the consolation of Israel” and had been told by the Holy Spirit that “he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ” (Luke 2:26). In the Spirit, Simeon declares that Jesus is “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel” (Luke 2:32). Though some 2000 years removed, Simeon’s words remain true today. Jesus is the Light of the World for all people, and we believe, in faith, that many will come to know him personally this Christmas Eve at Woodmen. THEME – EXPECTATION

The Benedictus, Luke 1:68–79

December 15, 2019 • Josh Lindstrom • Luke 1:68–79

Zechariah the priest had been serving the Lord in the temple when the angel of the Lord, Gabriel, announced that his wife would conceive and bear a son named “John” who would be “great before the Lord” and “turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God” (Luke 1:16). Zechariah struggles to believe and is temporarily made deaf and mute until the sign is fulfilled. When Elizabeth, Zechariah’s wife, delivers their son John, Zechariah’s hearing and speech is restored. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Zechariah prophetically speaks of his son’s future work and the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem his people. Today, we too declare in faith God’s promised salvation through the work of his son Jesus. THEME – HOPE

The Magnificat, Luke 1:45–55

December 8, 2019 • Josh Lindstrom • Luke 1:45–55

The angel Gabriel is sent to Mary, a young virgin betrothed to Joseph, a descendant of David, and announces that she will conceive, bear a son and call his name Jesus. When Mary meets her relative Elizabeth, herself miraculously carrying John the Baptist, Mary erupts into a song of praise as she recognizes that God had looked upon her “humble estate” and will use her to bring to fulfillment his plans to redeem his people. While many will look upon this Christmas as nothing more than a traditional celebration, we the redeemed people of God, like Mary, rejoice that Jesus has come to us, not because we were worthy or deserving, but because we were in need of a Savior. THEME – JOY
