The Courier, Pt. 2

Acts 17:1 – 21:16

Willing to Follow, Acts 21:1–16

March 29, 2020 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 21:1–16

Though being repeatedly warned of the danger that awaits him in Jerusalem, the apostle Paul continues forward, “ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 21:13). Each of us is called to follow Jesus, but we do so not sure of where he may lead us. Might the Spirit of God strengthen us to follow him wherever he may lead and would we move forward confidently regardless of what is to come.

Teaching the Saints, Acts 20:17–38

March 22, 2020 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 20:17–38

The book of Acts records much that was said and taught to unbelievers, but what might the apostle Paul have said to a group of followers of Jesus? Paul’s message in Acts 20:17-38 is the one example we have of a message Paul gave to a solely believing audience. Not surprisingly, it reads like many of his letters and encourages us to follow Paul’s example as we serve Christ.

Raising the Dead, Acts 20:1–16

March 15, 2020 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 20:1–16

Even as the opposition against the apostle Paul increased, Paul did not shy away from the ministry he was called to. One evening while Paul taught long into the night, a man named Eutychus fell from a window and died. The apostle Paul miraculously raises Eutychus from the dead and continues on with his ministry. We need be reminded that though opposition may increase, the power of God is always stronger still.

Seeking Peace, Acts 19:23–41

March 8, 2020 • Kurt Birky • Acts 19:23–41

When Demetrius, a silversmith, causes a riot, the author of Acts, Luke, is careful to record all that transpired. While the gospel will necessarily put us at odds with others regarding what we believe and hold to be true, we are to seek peace in the places that God puts us and never bring discredit to the name of Christ. People will have a variety of reasons for dismissing the gospel; may we as his people never be one of their reasons!

The Power to Change, Acts 19:13–22

March 1, 2020 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 19:13–22

Those who had confessed Christ as Lord found themselves being transformed by the power of the gospel. Many of them who believed renounced the evil ways of their past and brought their books of magic arts and burned them together. Consequently, the word of the Lord “continued to increase and prevail mightily” (Acts 19:20). The evidence of true life change in others is one of our most powerful evangelistic tools.

The Evidence of Faith, Acts 19:1–12

February 23, 2020 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 19:1–12

Upon arriving in Ephesus, the apostle Paul was introduced to disciples of John the Baptist. Having not heard of the ministry of Jesus, the apostle Paul shared the gospel with them and they were baptized. Like all those who confess the name of Christ as Lord, the Holy Spirit comes upon them and indwells them. Today, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit remains the evidence of true faith in Christ and is our source of power and strength each and every day.

Equipping the Saints, Acts 18:18–28

February 16, 2020 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 18:18–28

While Paul wraps up his second missionary journey and begins his third, Priscila and Aquilla explain the way of God to a fervent and gifted man named Apollos. From Alexandria, Apollos was eloquent, competent in the Scriptures, and had been taught about Jesus. However, he was still lacking understanding in some critical areas. The example of Priscilla and Aquilla reminds us that we each can be used of God to teach his word.

Faithful to His Call, Acts 18:1–17

February 9, 2020 • Stu Davis • Acts 18:1–17

Having been encouraged in a vision that he would be protected and that God had many in the city of Corinth he was going to call to himself, the apostle Paul stayed in Corinth a year and a half. When Paul is brought before the proconsul, God honors his word and Paul is delivered. Like Paul, we should understand that though God is the ultimate authority in salvation, we are all called to participate with him in it.

Preaching the Gospel, Acts 17:22–34

January 26, 2020 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 17:22–34

The apostle Paul was the greatest missionary the church has ever had, and in Acts 17:22-34 we see, in part, the reason why. Paul did not have one message that he simply repeated in each and every town he visited, but instead, he relates to his listeners drawing from their culture and understanding. Paul’s message at the Areopagus gives us all an example to embrace.

A Heart for the Lost, Acts 17:16–21

January 19, 2020 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 17:16–21

While Paul waited for his teammates in Athens, Acts 17:16 says, “his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols.” Rather than be cold, indifferent or angry at the depravity that surrounded him, the apostle Paul was moved into action by it. Paul began reasoning with people in the synagogue and the marketplace and we should be quick to follow his example. Rather than feeling frustration with the unbelieving world around us, we should be moved into action.

The Curious Will Seek, Acts 17:10–15

January 12, 2020 • Josh Lindstrom • Acts 17:10–15

Having been sent to Berea, Paul and Silas begin to share in the synagogue there. Unlike those who had come before them in Thessalonica, these Jews “received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so” (Acts 17:11). We too should be encouraged to search the scriptures with confidence that the Lord will bring us understanding.

The Opposition is Real, Acts 17:1–9

January 5, 2020 • Kurt Birky • Acts 17:1–9

The Gospel has true power and the ministry of Paul and Silas draws many to faith. Unfortunately, the opposition is real too. The home of Jason is attacked, and he and some of the brothers are brought before the city authorities. The accusation is that, “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also” (Acts 17:6). Little did they know the gospel would indeed change the world.
