Awe & Wonder

Christmas at Woodmen

The Christ, Luke 2:21-40

December 26, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Luke 2:21–40

Mary and Joseph celebrated the birth of their son, Jesus, but others too would recognize that he was their long awaited Messiah. God’s plan for redeeming his people from sin was now before them and they responded in praise. As his people today, we declare our Messiah’s arrival and bow to him in adoration and praise. The light of the world has come, and salvation is available to all who would believe.

Christmas Eve | The Son, Luke 2:1-20

December 24, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Luke 2:1–20

The birth of Jesus Christ may have gone unnoticed in the world’s eyes, but angels declared the arrival of the Savior to shepherds keeping watch over their flock by night. Jesus our Messiah was born in Bethlehem and is good news of great joy for all people! Like those shepherds of old, we seek to glorify and praise God for all that he has done, and while we remember that our Savior has come, we by faith believe he will one day return.

The Prophet, Luke 1:57-80

December 19, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Luke 1:57–80

Unlike Mary, who had demonstrated tremendous faith, the priest Zechariah had initially doubted what God was able to do. Upon the birth of his son who would become John the Baptist, Zechariah embraces the vision of the Lord and declares in faith all that God will accomplish. We too may have in our past instances of doubt, but like Zechariah, need proudly proclaim the work and glory of God today.

The Visit, Luke 1:39-56

December 12, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Luke 1:39–56

Though young and insignificant in the world’s eyes, Mary had been chosen by God to carry his Son into the world. Mary rejoices in God’s marvelous work and in faith declares her trust in a beautiful song of praise. While we may be considered insignificant in the world’s estimation, we need to declare our faith and trust in him, confident that he will accomplish all that he has said he will do.

The Angel, Luke 1:26-38

December 5, 2021 • Josh Lindstrom • Luke 1:26–38

The long awaited Messiah was about to enter the world. It would not be to kings and kingdoms that he would arrive, but instead to a humble virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph. Mary’s faith and willingness to be used of the Lord has for centuries stood as an example of what our response to our Lord should be and encourage us all to say, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38).
