Estonia - Day 6 (A little late)

Hey friends and family,

Our last full day at camp was definitely one to remember. We started the day off by waking up the campers to Christmas music and then headed to breakfast, worship, and session. After that we got to do a very entertaining activity for the “english environment” part of the day. Everyone was split up into groups and got to make some hilarious commercials advertising whatever we wanted. Some rain turned it into a very laid back day where lots of good, deep conversations happened, we got to make more bracelets, and everyone fully as a camp really just got to bond. We ended the night a little differently by going through a prayer walk that was set up through the camp which led to praying with friends and leaders and lots of us got the chance to share our testimonies too. It’s been so sad coming to the end of this amazing camp but on the bright side, I think we are all ready to have a real bathroom again.

-Emma Aurich


- Emma Aurich