Kenya — Final Day :-(

Today was Saturday, July 19, and it was sadly our last day in Kenya, but we made the most of it. Despite waking up very early just to wait for hours on the bus, we kept positive attitudes and we had an amazing day. Starting with a drive into Nairobi, we then went to get lunch at a place called Java House, and everybody loved the food and drinks they got. Then, we went to the market next door to Java and went shopping a little bit which I think everyone really enjoyed. After that, we stopped by the mall which was close by and looked at all the interesting things we don’t have in America, and then we went to a different market where we kept shopping. We drove to the airport afterwards and got checked in for a late night flight. It was an incredible day and we appreciate all the thoughts and prayers that everyone has been sending our way. See you soon! 

- Anna Starkey

- - Anna Starkey for the group