Sunday church and Jesus chicken

Today we had a wonderful day. We went to church at the Genesis Project in Ogden and learned how even Jacob with all of his flaws was still loved by God. God never ignores us in our messes. We also got to hear the testimony of the youth pastor who moved here from Denver with his family as a kid to start this church!  Then we heard about what we are doing for VBS. We picked up chairs. We worshiped and danced A LOT. The boys also played a lovely indoor game of soccer with a water bottle! We had Chick-fil-A for dinner (yes it’s Sunday and yes we had the Jesus chicken!!)  Then we drove past God’s beautiful nature and took the scenic route home. When we got back to the hotel we played card games, showered, packed our lunches for tomorrow and soon we will head to bed! Tomorrow we are back with Alfred to do some work in SLC and then our first night of VBS at Genesis project is tomorrow night! They are expecting 60 kids so be praying for us and them! 

- Josiah, Parker, Maysen, Grayson, John, Liam