HS Guatemala 2024 - Day 6 & 7

Day 6 

Saturday was the tourist type day for our team where we’re able to sleep in a little bit more and then drove out to a big tourist city called Antigua. We started by taking a short hike up some steps in the lush green forest which lead us to a stunning overlook of the city. Although we couldn’t see the volcano through the clouds, this provided an awesome view for a great team picture. We continued to enjoy the cool overcast, walking the streets and sightseeing a bit. We made a pit stop at Starbucks then Josh and Jesica (from Unum) lead us to one of their favorite restaurants for lunch called Hector’s where we enjoyed a great meal. It was not purely Guatemalan food but it was really good with a variety of options. After lunch we split up in to smaller groups and ventured out into the market place where we practiced our bartering skills and got another cool look into the people’s culture, finding some really unique items. Some of us were also able to make it over to a Chocolate Museum but with limited time we didn’t make it much past the store front with all the different kinds of chocolate. We then grouped up to pile back on the bus and head back to Mimi’s house after a fun day.

We had another awesome dinner with amazing food and fun games like ping pong, corn hole, and foose ball. After dinner in our debrief we didn’t have quit as much to talk about with our day, allowing for more time for testimonies to be shared which was a very special time to hear each persons story and to be able to ask them questions and encourage them. Also that night, we continued the Woodmen tradition to write a letter to ourselves 6 months in the future. The point of this is to write down and remind ourselves of all the significant things we learned and experienced. I always love to write these because I am able to “encourage myself” by writing down the big truths and reminds that I can easily forget or drift away from in the thick of the school year.

- Zim Reichart


Day 7

Day 7 in Guatemala we woke up and ate breakfast at Mimi's house before preparing for our final day. We all then got into the busses and van to drive to Cruz Blanca for the last time. Once we got there, we all split up into groups and set up different stations for the community day. We had carnival events like face painting, making bracelets, painting the kids nails, playing soccer, and kids and their moms both were able to take a turn hitting the pinatas. All morning we were all able to enjoy spending time with the kids and their families and seeing the joy on their faces while they got to have a fun day as a community. Then we got lunch from a local restaurant called Pollo Campero, and got to enjoy the grub with all the teachers and translators while hearing Josh's sister's testimony and one of the students in Unum's college program who has been involved for more than 10 years. We then cleaned up and said goodbye to the Cruz Blanca Learning Center. Once we were back at Mimi's we started packing, preparing to leave, and heard a few more testimonies. For dinner, we all went to a fancy steakhouse and enjoyed the yummy food and the last little bit of time we had together in fellowship. We said goodbye to Josh, Jessica, and Neely and went back to Mimi's house to get ready for the very early morning.

- Kendra Diehl


- Zim & Kendra for the team