HS Guatemala 2024 - Day 4

This morning for breakfast we had delicious breakfast burritos with beans and papaya. After breakfast we headed to Cruz Blanca. Some of our team went to get some supplies for today and tried Guatemalan Starbucks. 


Team A went and started the morning Vbs for the kids at Cruz Blanca while Team B helped measure kids height and weight. They also helped gave the kids new rain boots. Most of Team B did construction because only a few people were needed with the boots. 


For lunch today we had Hamburguesa’s. After lunch Team A continued with Vbs and team B continued with the boots and construction. After Vbs was done, everyone helped out with construction and played basketball and volleyball. 

We then headed back to Mimi’s house for the rest of the day. We had Hotdogs and beans and corn and chips and pico. Then we went into debrief and Kendra shared a devotional today. It’s been really cool to hear from other students each night. We then shared our testimony’s to smaller groups and had discussions about our days.

Please keep lifting our team up in prayers! As the week goes on and we get more tired, some of us aren’t feeling 100%, so prayers for health and strength. We can’t wait to see what God does in our last day of Vbs tomorrow! 

- Annie and Sam for the team