Montana #6

Overall, our team’s time in Lame Deer has been very rewarding. I am sure that none of us will leave Lame Deer the same person that we were when we first arrived here. Thursday marked the last day of the VBS and the majority of the projects. Once again, our teams were divided among the different projects in the morning. At the Mennonite Church, we were successfully able to clean up the church to allow the church to look fully restored for funerals for members of the community. Working with the Mennonite Church was particularly nice because it was the team’s first time partnering with a native pastor. Often, people in Lame Deer view Christianity as the white man’s religion. Supporting a Northern Cheyenne pastor helps the people of the reservation start to see it as a way they can follow too. At VBS, we ended on a high note discussing the salvation message of Jesus. While VBS was a smaller group compared to previous days due to a neighborhood block party, it worked in our favor. The students who were the most dedicated to Christ had the chance to hear the truth. Later that evening, we had a BBQ where we invited the students’ families, which proved to be fruitful, because it gave us the opportunity to build connections not only with the students but their families as well. Additionally, the Head Start school’s walls were almost painted. The plan is to reveal the school’s makeover to the staff tomorrow. Finally, our night ended with a bonfire where a tribal elder took the time to teach us about her family and Cheyenne history. It was a reminder that part of serving the Lord is building connections with others as you attempt to copy God’s love. As we move to the last day, we will remember that we are here to plant seeds and hopefully change the place for Christ one step and one person at a time.

- Kyle for the team