Fort Collins 2024 Day 3

Today, with an early awaken, we started with a morning devotional and breakfast. After a time of prayer and fellowship, our VBS kids began to arrive with big smiles knowing it was water games day! After a fun morning of worship, games, and crafts our hearts were full and the kids began to leave.


We then started our afternoon and headed to the trailer park to pick up lots of trash. Although it was very hot, we all were having a good time being able to be the hands and feet of Jesus by blessing the families in the community!


Around 4:30pm we made our way back to the church where we were very kindly greeted by the Genesis Project (GP) Pastor. He then proceeded to tell us the back story of GP and some of his testimony. Ending the day with hot dogs for dinner, sonic slushies for desert, and debrief at a beautiful park. We’re very tired but excited to see how God will work through us tomorrow! A way we saw God work today was being able to see our VBS kids open up more and have excitement to learn about how God is the light of the world. We are eager to witness how God works in our lives tomorrow!! 


 ⁃ Lily Jackson, Lilly Shaffer, Sienna Coker

- Lily Jackson, Lilly Shaffer, Sienna Coker for the team