Mexico Day #3

Today we got to sleep in which was so amazing! After breakfast, since it was raining, instead of going to the ranch to work on our projects, we stayed at the orphanage. We dug holes for trees, dug holes by the basketball court, and cleaned the chapel and van. Everything went well, the boys were impressed with how well we dug the holes for the trees and others had a dance party. We ate lunch when we finished our work and then we had a few hours to chill out. Then we corrected the skit on the road on the way to our second day camp. It was pouring and super foggy so not a lot of people showed up. But that lead us to bonding as a team, then a group of boys would act like human bowling pins for the few little kids that would kick a ball at them which brought huge smiles the the kids faces. Then near the end a family from Venezuela who was traveling to the states to get medical care for one of their daughters with cancer. I got to paint her sister’s nails and she shared her story about traveling and how she was feeling depressed and didn’t really believe in God. But she seemed like she was starting to understand God and look to him, then she asked me to pray for her which was amazing. Then Copey felt a call to pray for her before we left. We got in the van and headed back to base and we saw a gorgeous sunset. Me and a bunch of our team and some people from here played a game of soccer and it was so much fun. We went and ate dinner and the food was scrumptious. We went to the chapel to sing worship songs. We gave praises to those we have seen representing Jesus and shared testimonies. They were so amazing and moving then we headed to our rooms and that’s where we are now. Good night!

- Eve for the team