College Guatemala #8

The 4:30 am departure to Volcano y Laguna de Ipala was met with bleary eyes from the tired but excited team. The entire team traversed the rocky, steep trail to the summit to a breathtaking vista of a volcano lake. Splashing and swimming followed. 

After a lunch of McDonald's we quickly made our way back into Guatemala City where we were met with thousands of fellow motorists in gridlock. However, we arrived at the Artisan Market where the team was able to pursue and purchase local wares. Back to traffic gridlock to to seek out some amazing tacos for our final dinner. 

We were all able to sleep for three to four hours before leaving for the airport. As I sit in the airplane, this team had been spiritually and emotionally mature and stable. God poured into their lives all He needed to do. Jicamapa is a beautiful village of hospitality that has welcomed us and prayerfully hoped our relationship in Christ and to continue. So do I.

- Karen for the team