College Guatemala #5

Hey everyone! My name is Lukas. This is hopefully a pretty detailed summary of a day In the life of being on the college Guatemala trip! I hope you find this interesting. Today, which is Tuesday, me and my group who was Josh Justin and I, woke up at 6:30 and got to the parking lot where we were doing the drama practice by 7:00. The drama practice went well but I could tell everyone was a little groggy. After that we all ate breakfast at 7:30 and energy levels were getting better. At breakfast they had watermelon, this granola you would put yogurt on, a type of fried rice, cheese, beans, eggs, pancakes with syrup, and bread. We then all busses down to Jicamapa around 8-8:30 and were greeted by all the kids as soon as we pulled up! So we got to work setting up for the drama. Before we did the drama we did our worship set again and this time we implemented motions to the second song and the kids were really getting into it! The drama was on the parable of the talents where everyone in the play had different talents then when some of the people get discontented with their talents the master returns and reminds them of the importance of their talent (I think that's how it goes) my job was being the elderly man, and Josh was taking care of the elderly. I got to wear a white wig and glasses and it was super funny and the kids loved it!! After the drama we transitioned into games, and arts and crafts. I was on the games team and when we split the kids each day either the older kids are outside playing games and the younger kids inside, or vice versa. We did a bunch of parachute games then played soccer and sharks and minnows and all sorts of other ball related games after the kids lost interest in the parachute. After that intense few hours in hundred degree weather, we took our lunch from 11:30 till 1:00. During that time we listened to Neely's testimony and how she came to work at unum in Guatemala and how she became a Christian. Then we transitioned into the second part of our day, we had 3 teams of 6, one was doing pictures, one was doing house visits, and the last was painting! My team was on pictures today, but I helped out with painting cause you don't really need six people to take a picture!!! What we were doing on pictures is we would have a family come over and we would take there picture in front of a nice backdrop we created, then we would print it out and frame it later that evening and deliver it to them the next day. After we finished all of that at 5:45 we headed back and ate dinner around 6:10 6:15 we had chicken ribs I believe with salad and mashed potatoes, and gravy. And Pepsi plus Fanta as per usual. Once we ate dinner we had about an hour to chill, some of us hung out in the pool and others took naps, and we then did debrief at 8:00. We sang a worship some then did a short devotional, led by Misha, then shared testimonies! Then we all called it a night and went to bed. Overall, it was a busy but great day!

- Lukas Davis for the team