College Guatemala #3

This morning we woke up and had a breakfast of beans, sausages, eggs and bread. We then had a devotional time as a team with Josh and Neely from Unum. We packed our bags and prepared for the 5 hour road trip ahead of us as we traveled from Las Verdes, to Jicamapa, both 2 of the 4 locations that Unum is invested within Guatemala. We spilt into two vans, the road trip consisted of deep conversations, snacks, and naps. Through our fruitful conversations, we were able to connect and open up with our team members and grow closer together. We arrived at the hotel where we are staying and quickly unloaded the vans before leaving for the school where the kids were already anxiously waiting our arrival. We were greeted with hugs and holas. We had what we are calling community day. We hung out with the kids without having a complete structured schedule. During this time, we jumped rope, made friendship beaded bracelets, painted nails and let imagination fly as things were made out of pipe cleaners. The sound of squeaky toys filled the air with the occasional popping of a balloon. We rounded the night out with the watching of ‘Madagascar’. With less light pollution, the views of the stars are amazing here. We were all touched in some way night. It is very evident that God is at work and can feel His presence even if we don’t know everything that He is doing. During debrief Rylee, Isa, and Misha shared their testimonies. We were all impacted by their vulnerability and willingness to be open and share their highs and lows. Tomorrow is the first official day of VBS and is expected to be ridiculously hot. We’ll see what He has planned for us for the rest of the trip but until then I am going to sleep.

- Rachel Promersberger for the team