Loved Well & Farewell

Today was our last day in the hospital, spending time with patients and staff. We started our day by attending staff chapel, where the nurses were honored as part of Nurses Week. What a testament the many nurses are to what it means to live out Cure's mission to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God. 

During the morning, part of the team observed surgery (cleft lip, tumor removal and hip re-alignment) and had the opportunity to see just how skilled and committed the surgeons are to healing. Several of the children in surgery were those we'd met in prior days. The other half of the team spent time assisting the spiritual team at Cure by visiting families and children in the ward (and making lots of balloon animals). 

Our afternoon culminated in our final lesson and puppet show in the ward. It is bitter sweet to say goodbye to the many children, caregivers and staff that have become dear brothers and sisters in Christ. We pray for the staff who minister to so many day in and day out and have been so blessed to have been welcomed into the ministry with open arms.

As part of Woodmen, we all set out to love well and change lives through Christ, but we were so overwhelmed by the staff and families here at Cure loving US so well and changing our lives in return. 

- Luke for the Team