Zambia #5 Lives Touched

Day four of ministry at CURE was full of one on one encounters, interactions and rich times of prayer. We started our morning by interacting with and praying for new patients and families checking into the hospital. We then ventured outside the hospital to visit prior CURE patients at their homes. It was such a blessing to be welcomed into the homes of Christin and Mike, who both had surgery at CURE Zambia in recent years. Not only we were touched to hear their stories of healing, but it was a gift to hear how CURE touched their lives. The team left feeling encouraged and renewed by the legacy of lives changed by CURE in Zambia.

We also shared a meal with several of the CURE staff and learned more about their stories, passion and challenges in their ministry at CURE. We ended our day by joining together with the families and children in the ward for a time of fellowship. The ward fellowship included praise and worship (please check out the audio clip below for a sample), a message on the power and importance of prayer, testimonies from families and a salvation message. Following fellowship we spent time going bed to bed and spending time one on one with as many children and families as possible. We have found these times to be one of the highlights of visiting and ministry.

Ward Fellowship Praise & Worship - Click here to listen

- Rick for the Team