Estonia July 2019 Final Day

Oh my word where do I even start?
This trip to Estonia has been incredible. Seeing God move in people has been truly amazing. I’m so blessed to have been able to experience this precious opportunity! There was one thing that really stuck out to me though. Not only did we get to be out of our comfort zones in extreme ways, lead worship, and make so many friendships, we also got to lead small groups and plant some seeds!
At the beginning of the week one of the girls in my small group, Käti, was extremely closed off to religion, Christianity specifically. She thought she would never become a christian and was fine sharing that with us. She thought as long as we respect her beliefs, she would respect ours. So we did our best to do that while also trying to show the love of God to her. On the last night of camp, there was this incredible prayer walk for the Estonians to go through and they would have the opportunity to pray to ask the Lord into their hearts. Right before they did that, we had our small group as usual. She skipped the awesome presentation of the gospel which made things hard, but she was having a good discussion with a leader about Christianity. We weren’t scared to ask her the tough questions though about why she didn’t want to become a Christian. The question was, “Is there anything holding you back from becoming a Christian.” If she would have answered this at the beginning of the week there would have been a hard yes followed by reasons why she believed that. That’s not what she said though. She said nothing was holding her back she just needed some time to process everything. We told her that becoming a Christian is a commitment and that she should go into the prayer walk with an open heart and if she felt God, she should pray. She said she wanted to have the peace that Christians live with and that she wanted to be apart of this big family. She didn’t accept Jesus into her heart that night. I am so sure though that she will one day make that choice.
Kenneth said all week that all we can do is plant the seed. After that it’s on God to grow it. That’s what I think we did. We planted the seeds and now we will pray and wait and see if it will grow or not. I encourage you to pray with us for her and the many others who aren’t saved.
Kate Farhart

Hey guys,
This trip has been fresh. I was on the music team and I feel that I have a whole new family. I’ve learned to be comfortable outside of my comfort zone. For the music camp, we put on a concert at the end of camp. If I’m being honest with you, choir is gross. It’s a lot of work and brutal on your feet. We had rehearsal for 5 hours before our concert, and needless to say it was not fun. But the concert and camp overall was a blast. This weekend we went to a church in Keila. Ian spoke during main service and little guy had a big day. I ended up leading a song, which I haven’t done before. But God was able to make me feel confident. We also had to say our goodbyes that day. Saying goodbye to the Estonians was like dropping a sibling off for college. In some ways you know you’ll see them again but no certainty of when. This trip has been so encouraging and a breath of fresh air. I’m so blessed to have been placed on this team. Thank you so much for your support and your prayers.
Lindsey Schaap
- Kate Farhart