Estonia July 2019 Day 4
Estonia has been such an incredible experience. We started English camp on Sunday which has led to quickly-made memories. Yesterday, we played a crazy game of zombie outbreak. The campers had to collect three glow sticks before the “zombies” tagged and froze them to take away their glow sticks. After rolling around on the ground and running endlessly, the campers won. Our small groups and lessons have been discussing three parables that Jesus taught: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. We have been able to discuss how God will always welcome us home and he will guide our way back, even if we don’t deserve it. The small groups have begun to bond after being together for a few days. We are able to have deep and meaningful conversations along with being silly together. Tuesday night, we had a camp talent show. Friends got together and put together many different types of acts to perform for the camp. There were sleeping bag dancers, testing Americans on Estonian words, and funny moments. Another moment to bring the camp closer together! We can’t wait to see what God does through this camp the rest of this week with relationships, lessons, and discussions.
Zoe Mabry

- Zoe Mabry