Estonia July 2019 Day 2
Tere, sõbrad ja perekond!
Hello, friends and family!
We are so excited to announce that we have survived the 34ish hours in the Denver International Airport. Sheesh!
Everyone was given the option to make some calls and figure out a way to sleep in a warm and comfortable bed, but us students came to the conclusion that if we were going to get through this with a good attitude, we needed to stick together. Besides . . . who doesn’t have “sleep in an airport with 20+ friends” on their bucket-list?!
After we piled our chair cushions and hit the hay, we woke up, grabbed some grub, and started our day off right by praising the Lord with some worship. It felt like we were ministers in a choir full of angels (we probably didn’t sound like angels, but nonetheless we sang our hearts out). After a few songs, we popcorned around thanking God for what he has done and what is to come. It was really impactful because it lasted longer than I expected and showed just how much we had to be thankful for even though we didn’t necessarily have beds.
Once we finished popcorn-praying we separated into smaller groups and prayed for each other (and for our luggage that is still in Chicago). We ended with a group prayer and started sharing testimonies. As Carrie said in our last update, we definitely grew into deeper relationships. Once the first person started speaking, it sorta snowballed into a beautiful mess of tears, laughter, and encouragement. The rest of the day was filled with speed walking, plane rides, and a whole lot of praying. Of course we kept it fun with the continuous silliness but it was a great way to start an incredible adventure for God.
We are so excited to see what God has in store.

Much love from the Estonia Team 2019
Isabella Sommers
- Isabella Sommers