Fort Collins Student Trip 2022 - Day 2

To start the day, we all ate breakfast outside on the curb then we set up balloons for camp. We all split up into our own rooms for VBS before kids started showing up. We played name games to learn the kid’s names. We moved to large group and did worship and the drama. We moved into our rotations with the kids. After VBS, we had a lunch break with the Genesis Project volunteers where we were instructed to sit next to someone who we’ve never met. After lunch some of us worked outside pulling weeds and moving rocks. The others helped out with the second half of VBS. We had about an hour and a half break to relax and chill out before going to Sonic for drinks. We had tacos for dinner and then ended the night with a debrief. We are excited for tomorrow! 

-Graham Brickler





- Graham Brickler