Fort Collins Student Trip 2022 - Day 1

What a wonderful start to our 2022 Fort Collins Mission Trip! We began with bonding in the car over the dreadful delay due to traffic and arriving forty minutes late to the Genesis Project church. Despite the late arrival, we accomplished physical and emotional tasks such as introducing ourselves to one another and setting up for the beginning of our Jungle Quest VBS camp. Working as a team created a stronger base for tomorrow and the upcoming week. To end our day, the group ventured out into rural Fort Collins and hiked to the summit of an overlook of the city. We prayed not only over the individuals we would be impacting in Fort Collins during the course of the trip, but also over our leaders and ourselves. Ending our day with the daily debrief allowed us to talk about how we saw God at work today and how to prepare ourselves for tomorrow.

- Shelby Cheesman & Lily Poteet 


- Shelby Cheesman & Lily Poteet