Guatemala Team #4

This morning we had our second day of VBS with the kids in Jicamapa. We started the day with worship and our skit telling about Jesus calling Peter to be a disciple and "a fisher of men.” We played games such as Blob tag and craft (it’s so sweet when our team is on a home visit and seeing the crafts the kids made hanging up in the houses). We also got to teach the kids how to jump rope and make friendship bracelets. 

The teachers at the school have showed amazing gratitude towards us, including making us lunch. They made corn tortillas that were stuffed with their famous beans and then topped with homemade salsa. It was delicious! After lunch, the team had a great time learning how to swing dance and the waltz all together. You could say that it was a great team building experience, it was the highlight of many people's day. 

The team broke up into our three groups and visited some of the families in the village and delivered more water filters. I really love visiting the families houses and building relationships with the people that live there. The people here are so giving! They give us their time and let us into their lives for a brief moment. 

Every day we compete in a challenge against the other two teams and today's challenge was to get a selfie with a goat. My team definitely went above and beyond here. We not only got our team selfie but we actually got to drink some of the milk from the goat we got our picture with! We definitely won the challenge. 

We finished our day with Uno, laughing at each other's highlights of the day, worship, a devotional on Ephesians 4, and testimonies being shared. I am excited for what tomorrow holds.

- Maddie