Guatemala #3

Today was Day 1 of VBS!!! We woke up early, had a great breakfast with Guatemalan coffee, and drove into a school in Jicamapa. Our VBS story was Jesus healing the paralyzed man. We had worship, a skit, crafts, and games. The students were so engaged and excited to celebrate with us! After being dominated in soccer, we had PB&J's for lunch while we learned more about UNUM's mission. In the afternoon, we broke out into three groups to distribute water filters to local families. They protect against water-borne diseases, which is huge. We also shared about Jesus being the Living Water. The families were so welcoming as we came into their homes to share with them. We closed out the night with a trip the pool, a delicious dinner, and a debrief session in Ephesians 4. It was a great first day :) Some bonus highlights include: saving a dog from getting run over, famously loud chewing, riding horses, Kevin the peacock, and farmer's burns.

- The Guatemala Team