Student Dominican Republic Day 2

For our second day we woke up early for worship, a message and quiet time to start off our day. We then had breakfast and split off with our groups to each Students International site where we began our first day of serving. I got the privilege of being apart of the physical therapy group where we spent some time at the clinic and then visited a local nursing home to work on increasing mobility and post-injury recoveries. We also learned how to perform ultra sound muscle therapy on a patient and electrical muscle stimulation on each other (which was very entertaining to watch). Through all of this, we attempted to increase our Spanish-speaking skills through interacting with the patients, as well as with our other group members/leaders. I look forward to coming together with our team tonight for dinner and our debrief to share stories and continue to get closer as a group. It's amazing to see how God is using each of us for a different purpose and developing personal connections within the country, despise the language barrier.


- Mackenzie Kruse