May Blog – Women's Ministry


It was a sunny day and the songbirds had announced the sunrise. The air was still and the sky Colorado brilliant blue. My hubby and I had just finalized our plans for a vacation. The first in a while. The thought of it was met with our welcome anticipation. As I went about my work that day, I received 2 invitations that changed my day. Does this ever happen to you? Does the fear of missing out (FOMO) ever affect you? Or the feeling of being forgotten when others are invited into a space and you’re not?

The feeling, I am all too familiar with, of being left out by some means rushed within me. Lies from the enemy rampaged through my mind causing doubts to surface. The surge of all the times this has happened before were present. Without a lot of detail, this time it broke a part of me. Coming off of the last year of staying at home, businesses closing, the barrage of reports that batter the screen with tragic news, isolation, feeling forgotten, dismissed or unseen – Have you had moments or days like this in the last year, or ever? I did that day and the sunny skies with birds welcoming the day disappeared.

I talked with my husband and then to my adult daughter and prayed. Though I had tried to make the best of these times, the reality of this day on the heels of a different year ran through me with vigor and impact. Can you relate?

I asked God how He was trying to stretch me through this, what was He teaching me? I don’t like feeling negative and I don’t feel this way often. What do I do with this? I needed to change my direction fast! I asked God to guide me and He made it clear I was listening to lies. He impressed on me how so many others might be feeling this same way and how He could use my experience to bring His light to others.

It seemed to me after 2020 this “feeling” was more a mainstream feeling than a foreign one. He reminded me how deeply He loves me. How He has me doing exactly what He has designed me for. He released the negative thoughts, replacing them by reminding me, my value is not found in events, invitations or other ticky-tack things in this world, but in His truth. I am His and He is always beckoning me, waiting for me, eager to meet me in easy and hard spaces. He reminded me in either case, His love for me is identical, unwavering and steadfast. We know this, right ladies? But if you’re like me, sometimes, at just the perfect storm time, I forget … even for a moment or a day and I believe the lies.

If this is you now or ever has been, I want to encourage you to look for His hand in your life, celebrate His victories over worldly claim, give isolation a door to depart from you and accept the radiant light He has for you. Know that you are seen, valued and deeply loved by the Creator of the universe, the One and Only – The Most High!

If you feel alone – reach out to an old friend or make a new one. Find something to look forward to, or have someone over for dinner, take a walk and draw in the spring air to your lungs, read His word and let it settle your heart.

I want to invite you to join a Monday night class this summer for women to connect and be filled. Connect with other women 3 times this summer, once in June, July and August. Shed the lies, walk away from loneliness and stride into relationships connecting with others. He made us to be together, to do life with one another. The classes starting soon, Click here if you want to reach out and join us, look for IF:GATHERING teaching & discussion. It’s free and open for all women to attend. I hope to see you there.

- Traci Hollingsworth