Rockrimmon 24 HOURS OF PRAYER

in the Stone Chapel

Thank you for your willingness to pray! We'll gather to ask God to move during this season. We believe that as we pray in faith, God will respond.

The 24 hours begin on Friday at 7 PM and lasts until Saturday at 6 PM at the Rockrimmon & Heights Campus.

You're invited to pray with Pastor Andrew Gearhart and others from your community at Rockrimmon's Stone Chapel Friday at 7 PM or any other time that fits your schedule. 

You're invited to pray with Pastor Kevin Feldotto and others from your community at Rockrimmon's Stone Chapel Saturday at 10 AM or any other time that fits your schedule. 

HOW 24 Hours of Prayer WORKS:

  • Arrive 10 minutes before the hour in the Stone Chapel at Rockrimmon
  • Leaders will have prayer sheets for you to pray through during the hour or you can pray for whatever the Spirit lays on your heart.
  • At the top of the hour, you'll enter to watch a quick video instruction from Josh.
  • You'll break up into groups and pray for the rest of the hour.
  • At the end of the hour, you'll exit as the next group enters to pray or you stay another hour to pray.

TO REGISTER: click on a time to sign up to pray at the Rockrimmon Campus:

Register for 24 Hours of Prayer
