Online Service Check-in
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Online Service Check-in
Work Entry
Added: 12/3/2024
Thanks for taking a minute to help us better understand and serve our online service viewers!
What brings you to our online service today?
Live outside of Colorado Springs
Away from home
Someone in the family is sick
COVID/Medical concerns
Just checking out Woodmen (Welcome!)
Prefer to watch online
Other (describe below)
What brings you to our online service today? is required.
Where do you live?
In the United States
Outside the US
Where do you live? is required.
How often do you view Woodmen’s online service?
Less than once per month
One to two times per month
Three or more times per month
How often do you view Woodmen’s online service? is required.
How can we pray for you?
Other Comments:
Connect me with a staff member.